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Aaron's story: my mixed heritage helps me have different perspectives


Black citizens have enriched our communities for generations, and Enterprise is proud to join in the Black History Month celebrations acknowledging the tremendous achievements, influence and impact of our Black colleagues. Aaron told us his story and what Black History Month means to him:

Tell us about yourself:

I was born and grew up in Manchester. I started at Enterprise in 2013 as a Customer Service Representative. By 2016, just three years later, I was promoted to my first Branch Manager’s role. I am now on to my fourth branch in Altrincham.

What about your heritage makes you most proud?

There are many things that I am proud of. Firstly, I am dual heritage, half Welsh and half African from Sierra Leone. With regards to my African heritage, what makes me proud is that over so many generations my ancestors have managed to keep traditions alive such as the concept of belonging to a tribe, of which I am Mende. They suffered and survived through some of the most inexplicable events in history, such as the slave trade, and still maintain these traditions. Also, on a lighter note, the Jollof recipe that has been passed down throughout the generations is *UNRIVALLED*.

What unique perspective has your heritage given you?

I don’t think it’s unique, but it’s to be objective in your thinking. What I mean by that is, I have two sides of my family: African (Black/Mixed and White) and Welsh (White- Rural). They both have two very different perspectives on life, both equally weighted to their experiences. I see how both come to their respective thoughts and beliefs and how they may completely disagree with one another on certain things.

What does Black History Month mean to you?

A couple of things. It’s a time for reflection on the struggles Black people have lived through past and present. It’s a time to celebrate the successes we have had, and it’s a time to plan and identify even more opportunities to move forward and hopefully get closer to equality.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

An Elite Sprinter, 100 meters!

If you could have dinner with anyone from history who would it be and why?

Michael Jordan, to see how he managed to channel the desire, motivation and hard work into results consistently!

What are you most proud of?

My son, Kanan Idris, without a doubt!

What’s something people might be surprised to learn about you?

I was the British Schools Weightlifting Champion from 2003-2006.

Best advice you’ve ever been given?

To treat people how you would like to be treated.

Who do you look up to?

My parents.

A cause you’re passionate about and why?

The Black Lives Matter movement. We are in 2020 and we are still seeing unlawful killings of unarmed Black men and women in America. Also, the prejudice we face here in the UK day-to-day both covert and overt.

What’s your favourite quote?

“If my mind can conceive it, if my heart can believe it – then I can achieve it.” Mohammed Ali

Describe your journey at Enterprise in one word?


What keeps you at Enterprise?

While I was attracted to Enterprise by the opportunity to progress quickly, as well as the earning potential, it’s the people, the flexibility and the fact we are a company that is fully inclusive and always looking to help that keeps me here.

At Enterprise we know that it’s important to elevate Black voices, support our colleagues and do our part to help fight racial discrimination and inequality in our communities, and effect meaningful, lasting change.

Join us, and help strengthen our business by diversity of perspective, opinion and voice.