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How to stay happy in your job

Four blocks that say "do what you love"

The average British person will be at work for 100,000 hours over the course of their lives. That’s an awfully long time to spend feeling unhappy. Here are nine simple tips to help you feel happier and more fulfilled in your career.

Be positive

There is a place for pessimism,  but at work, you’re much better off going for glass-half-full. Approaching tough situations with a positive can-do attitude makes you the sort of person other people want to work with – and for.

Push yourself

If you stick within your comfort zone then before too long you’ll start to stagnate. Try to go above and beyond in your role. Seek out new challenges. Set yourself short- and long-term goals. The more you put in – to your job and to your career – the more you are going to get out of it.


Social events are a good way to strengthen relationships with colleagues and can help you feel part of the community at work. They’re also useful for building a network of contacts who could support you throughout your career.

Help other people out

Scientific studies show that helping others boosts happiness, increasing feelings of competence, improving mood, and reducing stress. At work, offering people help has an added advantage: at some point, they are likely to reciprocate.

Make time for lunch

There are going to be days when you literally can’t spare a minute away from your desk. But taking a proper lunch whenever you can will work wonders not only for your mental and physical wellbeing but for your productivity as well.

Don’t be a gossip…

It may be very tempting to gossip about your colleagues. But it’s almost always a bad idea. In an office environment, whatever you say behind someone’s back  could eventually get back round to them. A sure-fire way of antagonising other people and, potentially, embarrassing yourself.

Have a life

“All work and no play…” is often the approach most take in their roles as they work up the career ladder. However that shouldn’t mean you should neglect having you-time. Having outside passions and interests can help you bring new perspectives to your workplace and keep you feeling fresh and invigorated throughout your career.

Do something you actually enjoy

There are lots of little things that can make you unhappy in your job. But there is also one big thing: the job itself. If your chosen career is starting to get you down, the good news is it’s never too late to change direction, especially if there’s something else you feel more passionate about.

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