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From application to lasting impressions: my amazing placement year

Man in dress shirt holding an iPad with "Internship" and other icons coming from it

My time at Enterprise has been a roller-coaster of development and learning, with new experiences, ideas and challenges a consistent theme over the past 12 months. As I look back over the year, it’s interesting to think just how differently it could have unfolded.

Applying to the internship and placement scheme

Enterprise wasn’t my first placement choice – although familiar with the various schemes available, I didn’t think they covered my specific interest in Human Resources, developed from my studies. Then, at an assessment centre for another opportunity, I heard some other candidates discussing applying for the European HR internship. Intrigued, I was keen to find out more.

That evening, I researched more on the company. Reading employee blogs and reviews and learning about the Enterprise culture, I realised the amazing opportunity of working within a multinational, multi-billion dollar organisation that has professional development embedded in its values. Combined with the chance to add some ‘real world’ experience to my CV, I didn’t hesitate in applying. The process itself was straightforward and structured – within two months, I was on the Enterprise placement scheme.

Responsibility from day one

From day one I’ve been empowered to make my own decisions and trusted to take on complex projects. My tasks have constantly varied – no two days are the same.

Some of the responsibilities I took on during my HR placement year have included:

  • Supporting HR teams across Europe (e.g. integrating new acquisitions onto our systems)
  • developing new and existing international opportunities (e.g. creating placements and graduate openings across Europe)
  • Continuing our expansion in our corporate-owned countries
  • Working on company-wide diversity initiatives

Each day has brought new and exciting challenges with added responsibility. With more projects always in the pipeline, it’s safe to say that as an intern we are given the responsibility to make a difference, rather than just making the coffee.

Getting exposure to senior management on a daily basis has further fast-tracked my development.  Enterprise’s unique culture to promote from within means many of the senior managers started in a similar position to me. Learning from those at the top of their profession has been a personal highlight; they’re always willing to take time out of their day to provide advice on how to make the most out of the year.

Improving my skills in a global organisation  

I leave Enterprise with fantastic graduate prospects and an array of transferable skills that will be of significant value when it comes to my final year at University. Spending a year within such a global organisation has developed my ability to adapt my communication based on my audience and manage my time better, for example.

‘It’s not about working hard, it’s about working smart’: this is exactly what this internship has taught me. Becoming self-aware of the type of worker I am will also be incredibly beneficial when it comes to tackling my dissertation next year.

These past 12 months have been more rewarding than I imagined my placement year would be. As students, we are given the amazing opportunity to add experiences to our CVs and develop skills outside of what is taught in the lecture theatre. I can’t believe I almost missed out on the chance of a lifetime!

Don’t leave it to chance like I did – Enterprise offers fantastic opportunities for students to gain an insight into the working environment. Find out more about our graduateinternship and placement opportunities.